
To live the life non-traditional … perhaps that is my calling” – Me

I do find myself a bit conflicted when it comes to writing or documenting as to what I see as my life. At times I see it as some self-indulgent, narcissistic, exercise consumed by self, while at other times I wonder if there might be value, not only for myself, but for my limited friends and family, to be able to look back on the life that I have lived. And on the life that I’m currently living.

A more traditional person has deeply rooted families that span generations and continue to grow; however, I am slowly becoming, and quite effectively, the last of my line. These more traditional generations I believe find value in the history of their ancestors but for me this would seem to not be the case. The value for others, related to my musings, would appear to be rather limited. … – 5/12/2022

So as I discover this partially written blog post and reflect almost two years later about the relevancy of my writings, I’m not sure much has changed regarding my opinion on the topic. I’m still conflicted but feel that I would rather err on the side of the creator, documenting as I go versus the alternative of leaving a void.

Perhaps the question should not even be posed about whether others will find value in my writings. After all the exercise originates as another avenue of artistic expression, one that allows me to convey thought and feelings about the subjects I find of interest. In the simplest of terms, it is a creative outlet, no different than my painting, sewing, fashion, or skateboarding. It satisfies me and I believe that is all that I can ask of the endeavor. – 3/6/2024